Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Podcast Notes: Efficient Use of Meeting

From: Managing Software Development by James Edgell

The best meetings are ones that help effectively drive action. If you are having too many meetings, you need to calculate the cost of the meeting (in terms of both salary of participants and time costs of all participants for both preparation and participation). You will be surprised at how expensive a meeting can be.

Agendas and meeting notes lend toward more effective action meetings.

Agendas should have the purpose of the meeting and desired outcome stated. They should also include structured topics with time allocations. Also, a list of supporting information.

Meeting minutes should be provided post meeting. Good minutes require you to not attend every meeting and catch up if you miss the meeting. A summarization of topics discussed is provided.

After the meeting, send out the meeting minutes. Silence is acceptance. If a participant does not agree with the minutes, they should respond with a quick Reply All with correction or can be held responsible for the misunderstood item in the minutes.

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